Müggelsee-Köpenick round trip


Zeuthen – Müggelsee – Köpenick and back

3 days | 90 km | 0 locks

The starting point for this round trip is the charter base in Zeuthen. From there, we cross the Seddinsee in the direction of Erkner. From here, it is worth making a detour to Rüdersdorf and the museum park. There are interesting exhibitions, old industrial plants, the huge pit of the limestone open-cast mine and a wide range of experiences.

To get there, you travel from Erkner via the Flakensee, through the Woltersdorf lock and across the very clear Kalksee. There is a small marina right next to the museum.

The next day we head across the Großer Müggelsee towards the Müggelspree to Köpenick. Here you can stroll through the beautiful old town on a shopping tour or visit Köpenick Castle before setting off on your journey home via Langer See (Dahme) the next day.

Driver's license: SBF Inland
Length of the trip:
Duration in days:
Number of locks:

Tour itinerary

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