Nancy-Toul round trip


Passing Lunéville, Einville and the saltworks town of Dombasle, through several automatic locks and over an aqueduct across the Meurthe, you reach Nancy.

Nancy lies in a wide valley basin. You can moor in the middle of the city and reach everything easily on foot. In the northern part of the city is the old town, which is characterized by buildings from the Middle Ages and early modern times. Worth seeing are the former ducal palace(Palais des Ducs de Lorraine, now a museum) and the neo-Gothic Saint-Epvre church. In the southern part is the new town, which forms its center around Place Stanislas – it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List along with two other squares. Right next to the city harbor, a chocolate factory invites you to taste and visit.

Tip: If you can tear yourself away from your boat for a day, there is a fast TGV connection from Nancy to Marne-la-Valleethe village made famous by Disneyland Paris.

If you turn west at Frouard, you reach Toul via the partially canalized course of the Moselle. The Rhine-Marne Canal flows through an old moat there. For culture vultures, the cathedral of Saint-Étiennethe collegiate church Saint-Gengoult and the Saint-Mansuy Abbey as well as the houses of the old town and the ramparts.

Driver's license: Driving license free
Length of the trip: 233 kilometers
Duration in days: 7-10 days
Number of locks: 70

Tour itinerary

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