On the Finow Canal to Niederfinow


The Finow Canal is now over 400 years old and is the oldest navigable waterway in Germany. In the 1990s, the canal was lovingly restored and awakened from its slumber.

Take the houseboat from Zehdenick via the Upper Havel Waterway and Langer Trödel into the Finow Canal. Hand-operated locks, lifting bridges and industrial heritage (steel-riveted bridges, old bulwarks and brick warehouses) are the attractions along the canal, but towns such as Eberswalde, Finow and Marienwerder along the Finow Canal also invite you to go ashore.

Tip: Visit the boat lift information center

At the end of the Finow Canal, in Niederfinow, is the oldest ship lift still in operation in Germany, which is a very vivid example of the art of engineering.

The Niederfinow North ship lift is currently under construction and should be completed by 2025 at the latest. A visit to the ship lift information center allows visitors to marvel at three generations: the old lock staircase, the Niederfinow ship lift and the new Niederfinow North ship lift.

Mildenberg/Zehdenick – Marienwerder – Finow – Eberswalde – Niederfinow and back

Driver's license: SBF Inland
Length of the trip:
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Tour itinerary

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